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Friday 8 February 2008

Get a FREE Holistic Diagnosis of your old aches and pains.

Learn how to fix your own headaches, back pain, chronic fatigue and more.

Welcome to, home of my e-clinic and first clinic of its kind in Vancouver.

First time in Vancouver and online, Australian-trained Osteopath will help you find hidden causes of your headaches, back pain, chronic fatigue and other common aches and pains. 

"Feel Better in 30 Minutes"

Paisley Terra Photography
G'day mate:

You may be reading this with an old ache or pain that comes and goes, but never really goes away.  If you are sick and tired of trying different therapies but nothing really giving you long-lasting relief, then you might want to give holistic medicine a try.

I don't actually have an Australian accent.  I was born in Canada, but graduated with a Masters degree in Osteopathy from Australia. It's a long way to go to study and it took me over 5 years to complete, and now for the first time, I am passing everything I've learnt onto my patients through my clinic and online. You will never meet anyone more concerned about your health than you, so I will empower you with information and educate you on how holistic medicine can help you help yourself.

During every Canadian winter, I used to get a cold almost every year, and I knew anyone who came close to me within the next two to three weeks would risk being sneezed on, coughed on, or catching a cold themselves.  So when I learnt how to treat myself,I was able to help myself recover faster by 3-4 days.  And when you are off work because you are sick, you will know that every day counts.  So you might be wondering "what is Osteopathy?"

Osteopathy is over a hundred years old, first developed by an American medical doctor in the 19th Century.  Although it is practiced differently around the world, namely in the U.S.,Osteopaths have the same rights as medical doctor and can dispense drugs and do surgery.  In the rest of the world, like Australia, Europe and now in Canada, we take a more hands-on approach, with no drugs or surgery.  So if you have headaches or back pain, my clinic will examine your head and back, and also take a more holistic approach to them and look for imbalances in your body from head to toe.  Besides just treating your head if it hurts or your back when it's in pain, you will learn:

  • How your posture at work could be part of the reason for your headaches.
  • Why a short leg can be keeping your back pain from fully healing.
  • How you can speed up healing from a cold by finding the right muscles to massage.
  • How your back pain can lead to abdominal pain and vice versa.
  • How balancing your pelvis can help you handle the pains of pregnancy better.
  • How children are not little adults, and why early treatment can help them grow healthier.
There is so much to know about the body, this is just the beginning.  There is so much more, I couldn't possibly list all the connections in your body here.  And this is why I am offering you a special discount on a holistic treatment in my clinic.  My normal price for a 55 minute treatment, including holistic diagnosis, is $120.  This rate is comparable to other therapies but that is where the comparisons between Osteopathy and other modalities end.  At our clinic, you will receive:
  • a more holistic and longer treatment, checking not only your area of complaint but examining for hidden causes of your pain. 
  • included free in each consultation is our unique professional diagnosis of possible body imbalances that could be maintaining your old aches and pains.
  • a deeper understanding of posture and your body holistically, from head to toe.
  • an increasing development of self-awareness of your body and muscle tension to help you in the long-run prevent and break your old patterns of pain. 
With the cool weather coming, it is easy to be less active in the cooler months. To stay healthy, remember the sun will still give us vitamin D on a crisp Autumn day just like a hot Summer day, so go for a walk. Or try a sauna on a cold day, it will help cleanse your body of toxins. If good health is one of your New Year goals, then I hope you will give Osteopathy a try. It will help relax muscle tension, balance compensation patterns and give you a better idea of how to stay healthy all year long. Thus, for my Internet readers, I want to offer a special discount to make it even easier to try something new to stay in good health. My normal rate is $120, but I will offer all seniors without Extended Health Insurance like Sunlife or Manulife the special rate of $80 for a 45 minutes Holistic Diagnosis and Treatment, a savings of 30% off your first Osteopathic treatment- your body will thank you later!

If you have any questions, call me anytime for a free phone consultation.  You have nothing to lose, and it will give you and me a better understanding if holistic medicine can help you.  At the very least, after your first consultation, you will have a better understanding of the big picture of your health, specific to you.  

Wishing you good health,

Dickson Wong
Osteopathic Practitioner
"Feel Better in 30 Minutes"

P.S. To enjoy your free Holistic diagnosis, be sure to call my clinic at 778 998 8886 and make 2024 your healthiest year.

P.P.S. For more on Osteopathy, read my new Osteopathic blogs and epiphanies here.....

My clinic location:  Suite 206 - 5050 Kingsway, Burnaby (Vancouver), BC, Canada
Twitter: @Osteopathy